Table Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous

Name Of Tense



Present Simple Tense

§  Routine or habit

§  General truth

§  Near Future

§  Describing something/someone


§  I take a bath at seven in the morning.

§  The Sun rises in the east.

§  The Tournament Starts next week.

§  Their cat has blue eyes

Present Continuous Tense

§  Action in progress

§  Temporary action  

§  Near Future

§  Use of am/ is/ are + ing

§  I am writing a letter.

§  They are having a good time.

§  He is leaving for chitral next week.

Present Perfect Tense

§  Action recently completed

§  A Past situation related to present

§   Use of has/have with 3rd form of verb

§  She has finished her work.

§  I have written three letters.


Present Perfect Continuous Tense

§  An Action continuing over a period of time up to present

§  Use of has/ have + been + ing

§  I have been ringing the doorbell for a while but there is no answer.

§  The water is boiling for twenty minutes.


  •   Italic Words are Verbs.