Important Topics of Physics (Class10) Chapter# 1

1- Wave 
2- Wave Motion
3- Transverse & Longitudinal waves
4- Difference between Mechanical and Electromagnetic waves
5- Refraction, Reflection & Diffraction
6- Solve the problems by using f=1/T and v=f.λ 
7- Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
8- Solve Problem by using T = 2π√1/g
9- Amplitude of oscillation
10- These Terms 
       a. Speed b. Frequency c. Wave Length d. Time Period e. Crest, Trough and Wave Front
        f. Compression and Refraction

1- Wave

§  A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location

2- Wave Motion

§  Wave motion is the transfer of energy and momentum from one point of the medium to another point of the medium without the actual transport of matter between two points.

3- Transverse & Longitudinal waves

§  Transverse wave, motion in which all points on a wave oscillate along paths at right angles to the direction of the wave's advance.

§  Longitudinal or compression waves are defined as waves where the particle motion is in the same direction in which the wave is propagating.


4- Difference between Mechanical and Electromagnetic waves

§  The main difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves is that mechanical waves cannot travel without the support of a medium, whereas electromagnetic waves can pass through a vacuum with the help of any medium.

5- Refraction, Reflection & Diffraction

§  Reflection involves a change in direction of waves when they bounce off a barrier; refraction of waves involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one medium to another; and diffraction involves a change in direction of waves as they pass through an opening or around a barrier in their path.

6- Solve the problems by using f=1/T and v=f.λ 

§  Solve it yourself

7- Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

§  Described as a  post on our blog


8- Solve Problem by using T = 2π√1/g

§  Solve it yourself

9- Amplitude of oscillation

§  The amplitude of oscillation of a body performing oscillation is the maximum distance traveled from its mean position

10- Terms

a.     Speed: The distance a wave travels in a given amount of time.

b.     Frequency: The number of waves produced in a given amount of time.

c.      Wave Length: “Is the distance between crest to crest or trough to trough” OR “the distance over which the wave's shape repeats”

d.     Time period: The time taken for one complete oscillation

e.      Crest, Trough & Wave Front: Crest is upper part of a wave. Trough is lower part of a wave. Wave Front is a surface containing points affected in the same way by a wave at a given time.

f.       Compression & Refraction: Compression is that part of longitudinal wave in which the medium of particles are closer and there is momentary decrease in volume of medium. Rarefaction is that part of longitudinal wave in which the medium of particles apart and there is momentary increase in volume of medium.



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